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 VOCABULARY (WT)© / Utopia of Women's Spaces in Architecture / a personal analysis of inherited structures in design methodologies and the absence of emotions / D°= //   CONCLUSIONS TO FUMBLE AROUOND / MYCELIUM  /LABŌRĀRE _ FACERE  /  FREE NOW /  MISCELLANEOUS /  HOME

There is something about the constant play between what you’re confined by -  the words we know, the VOCABULARY that’s around us - and the intuition you have that there might be knowledge waiting to emerge.*

*Lesley Lokko in: MIT Architecture, Lesley Lokko: The 29th Pietro Belluschi Lecture, 09.04.2024

© Selfportrait #283  by DALL-E and me, text content by me with grammar help from ChatGPT
The world of architecture has been sculpted and dominated by male influences, creating a professional landscape where the rules of engagement and standards of success are often predefined by a predominantly male structure. This historical backdrop has not only influenced the physical manifestations of architecture but also the very fabric of its professional culture, leaving little room for what might be termed a distinctly female approach to architectural design and theory.
At the heart of this is a fundamental question: What does female architecture look like? Is it a question of aesthetic, function, or the deeper, perhaps more nuanced reflection of the values and experiences? I’d like to evaluate on the maybe controversial suggestion, that women- to be successful in this area- have had to navigate and adapt to the established male-dominated paradigms, often at the expense of authentic female expression and innovation in architectural design.
Within this exploration, a critical reflection emerges on the strengths inherently attributed to or developed by women in architecture—a capacity to imbue designs with depth, meaning, and authenticity. These values, often subtle and nuanced, operate beneath the surface, shaping spaces in ways that deeply resonate with the human experience. This form of architectural expression, reflective of female insight and sensibility, prioritizes not just the aesthetic or functional, but the emotional and experiential quality of spaces, making them not only a physical shelter but a sanctuary for the soul.
Yet, despite their profound impact on the lived experience of architecture, these contributions frequently go unrecognized or undervalued. The industry’s benchmarks for success and visibility are traditionally measured by criteria that may overlook the subtlety and depth characteristic of such female-influenced design philosophies. This oversight underscores a broader systemic issue within the architectural profession, where the depth and authenticity brought by female architects—elements that truly differentiate and enrich architectural spaces—are not accorded the appreciation and acknowledgment they deserve.

The exploration of female architecture, therefore, is not merely an academic exercise but a crucial step towards understanding and dismantling the barriers that have hindered the full expression of diversity within the architectural profession. It is about reimagining the norms and values that define architectural excellence and success, making room for a broader spectrum of voices, visions and perhaps - emotions.

28.03.2024 - Psychonanalysis of Architecture

This design process will be a journey into the depths of personal and creative expression. It will utilize a utopian landscape as a foundational framework to reflect on my decisions and will embrace my psychoanalytical heritage, recognizing the complexities of identity and the inherently subjective nature of designing. By rejecting the notion that meaningful design outcomes can be prescribed through rigid guidelines, this approach will focus on a uniquely feminine emotional reflection. A utopian city will serve as a tangible landscape, setting the stage for architectural design that reflects on centuries of male dominance. It will imagine a world enriched by diversity in thought and emotion, proposing an inclusive, harmonious urban environment. This project will not only be an architectural endeavor but also a deeply personal exploration of identity, emotion, and social critique.

© First draft of the utopian city by DALL-E and me.